China in Rare Earth Elements - top supplier, major patent developer, yet portfolio strength still a concern

Posted by William Mansfield on Sep 4, 2019 10:33:56 AM

From recent news reports it became clear that China accounts for almost 90% of the world’s production and supply of the so-called Rare Earth Elements (REE). These are a group of 17 elements that are not commonly found in the earth's surface. For e.g. Scandium, one of the rare earth elements, is heavily used in manufacturing parts for the aerospace industry. Similarly, these elements have varied and extremely specific uses, for which, at least for the time-being, no viable substitutes can be sourced. We used our excellent patent database and scientifically proven metrics to analyze the current situation around rare earth elements from a patent quality point of view to identify possible opportunities and threats in this business.

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Tags: Technology, Science, Patent Analysis, Patent Valuation, Patent Asset Index, Patent Quality, Rare earth metals, China, USA, rare earth elements