Patent Analytics and Valuation for large Corporations only? Universities, SMEs, Investors, and Start-ups may benefit too… But how?

Posted by Carsten C. Guderian on Feb 3, 2020 12:27:40 PM

Patent analytics and valuation – only relevant for large corporations with huge portfolios, sufficient resources, and plenty of time? No! Patent analytics are particularly beneficial for universities’ innovation or patent departments, small- to medium-sized firms, start-ups, and spinoffs.

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Tags: Mergers and Acquisitions, Patent Analysis, Patent Valuation, Innovation, Patent Quality, Benchmarking, "SMEs", Investors, Universities

European Commission’s DG-Comp Relies on LexisNexis PatentSight when Evaluating Anti-trust Cases in Mergers

Posted by LexisNexis PatentSight team on Dec 18, 2019 11:32:08 AM

In an international tender, the EU Commission’s Directorate-General for Competition selected LexisNexis® PatentSight® and its business intelligence analytics software as the patent data and patent analytics provider.

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Tags: Technology, Science, Mergers and Acquisitions, IP Data Quality, Patent Analysis, Patent Valuation, Innovation, Patent Asset Index, Regulation, Benchmarking, trend scouting, mergers, Merger Control, EU Commission, Competition Control

David swallows Goliath – Insights about AMS’ acquisition of OSRAM from a patent perspective

Posted by Andreas Lübbering on Dec 11, 2019 3:03:23 PM

Last Friday AMS announced that it finally acquired more than 55% of Osram’s shares taking a crucial step in acquiring one of Germany’s most known companies. Osram Licht AG is a multinational lighting manufacturer headquartered in Munich offering innovative and sustainable lighting solutions. AMS AG designs and manufactures advanced sensor solutions. With the acquisition of Osram, AMS wants to create a world class photonics and sensors champion.

Beside these eager plans and AMS growing rapidly in the last years, there is skepticism that AMS, which is merely a third of the size of its takeover target, would not be able to manage a global company like Osram. The size difference between the merging companies is also visible looking at the patent portfolios, which we will be taking a closer look at, in this blogpost.

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Tags: Technology, Patent Analysis, Patent Quality, Deep-dive, trend scouting, mergers, M&A

Alphabet’s patent landscape

Posted by William Mansfield on Oct 2, 2019 10:25:52 AM

Doubling portfolio size while maintaining quality

Alphabet Inc, headquartered in Mountain View, California, was created through a corporate restructuring of Google in 2015, when it became the parent company of Google and several of its former subsidiaries. With sales of $117.9 billion and a profit of more than $16 billion, the tech giant currently ranks 17th among the world's largest companies according to Forbes Global 2000. We investigate a status quo of the company’s patent landscape using our industry proven patent evaluation metric, the Patent Asset Index™ and our Business Intelligence Platform PatentSight.

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Tags: Patent Analysis, Patent Asset Index, Alphabet, patent landscape, Competitive Impact™, Google

USPTO grants patent for LexisNexis PatentSight

Posted by LexisNexis PatentSight team on Sep 9, 2019 2:56:14 PM

PatentSight is proud to announce that our patent analytics software is now a patent protected Intellectual Property. In August, 2019, the USPTO officially granted Nils Omland, our founder and CEO, with a patent for the PatentSight Business Intelligence software solution. Back in 2018, when LexisNexis® acquired PatentSight, this patent was still undergoing review. The granting of this patent makes our SaaS offering, officially, one of its kind.

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Tags: Technology, Science, Patent Analysis, Patent Valuation, Patent Asset Index, Patent Quality, patent

Innovation in merger analysis - How the EU Commission evaluated the case of Bayer-Monsanto

Posted by Carsten Guderian and Nabu Xavier on Sep 4, 2019 3:03:21 PM

In September 2016, the German drugs and chemicals group Bayer announced its intention to acquire the multinational Monsanto, known for its Roundup herbicide and GMOs. This merger would produce the world’s most powerful company in the seed and pesticide industry. On 21 March 2018 the EU commission released a Press Release announcing their approval of the acquisition of Monsanto by Bayer. The merger was approved on the conditional divestiture of an extensive remedy package, which addresses the parties' overlaps in seeds, pesticides and digital agriculture. It is for determining such inconspicuous aspects of a merger, like technology overlap, that the EU commission relied on the LexisNexis® PatentSight® database and our award-winning Business Intelligence software solution.

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Tags: Technology, Science, Mergers and Acquisitions, Patent Analysis, Patent Valuation, Patent Asset Index, Patent Quality, M&A, Merger Evaluation, EU Commission, Competition Control

China in Rare Earth Elements - top supplier, major patent developer, yet portfolio strength still a concern

Posted by William Mansfield on Sep 4, 2019 10:33:56 AM

From recent news reports it became clear that China accounts for almost 90% of the world’s production and supply of the so-called Rare Earth Elements (REE). These are a group of 17 elements that are not commonly found in the earth's surface. For e.g. Scandium, one of the rare earth elements, is heavily used in manufacturing parts for the aerospace industry. Similarly, these elements have varied and extremely specific uses, for which, at least for the time-being, no viable substitutes can be sourced. We used our excellent patent database and scientifically proven metrics to analyze the current situation around rare earth elements from a patent quality point of view to identify possible opportunities and threats in this business.

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Tags: Technology, Science, Patent Analysis, Patent Valuation, Patent Asset Index, Patent Quality, Rare earth metals, China, USA, rare earth elements

10 Charts That Will Change Your Perspective Of Amazon's Patent Growth

Posted by Louis Columbus - Guest Contributor on Aug 15, 2019 4:19:29 PM

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10 张图表,以不同角度看亚马逊的专利增长趋势


  • Since 2010 Amazon has grown its patent portfolio from less than 1,000 active patents in 2010 to nearly 10,000 in 2019, a ten-fold increase in less than a decade.

  • Amazon heavily cites Microsoft, IBM, and Alphabet, with 39%, 32% and 28% of Amazon’s total Patent Asset Index

  • Amazon’s patent portfolio is dominated by Cloud Computing, with the majority of the patents contributing to AWS’ current and future services roadmap. AWS achieved 41% year-over-year revenue growth in the latest fiscal quarter, reaching $7.6B in revenue.

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Tags: Technology, IP Data Quality, Patent Analysis, Patent Valuation, Patent Asset Index, IP Benchmarking, Benchmarking, Deep-dive, Future, trend scouting, big data, solutions provider

A case study of Palantir: Using advanced patent analytics to aid investment decisions

Posted by Ninja Laufmann on Apr 29, 2019 2:04:15 PM

In a newly released whitepaper PatentSight takes a deep dive into the portfolio of Palantir – one of Silicon Valley’s most secretive companies – to demonstrate how advanced patent analytics can be used to provide critical insights for investment decisions.

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Tags: Technology, Patent Analysis, Patent Valuation, Innovation, Patent Asset Index, IPO Analyses

Israeli Innovation Leader - A patent analysis

Posted by William Mansfield on Mar 12, 2019 9:32:59 AM

Recently, we applied the PatentSight Patent Asset Index methodology to gain a new insight into which of Israel’s research bodies are leading in innovation. The index assesses the strength of an organization’s patent portfolio in terms of quality of patents held measured by TechnologyRelevance™ and Market Coverage ™. So, what did we find?


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Tags: Science, Patent Analysis, Innovation, Patent Asset Index