Ford secures pole position among automakers in implementing Digital Technologies

Patent Analytics and Valuation for large Corporations only? Universities, SMEs, Investors, and Start-ups may benefit too… But how?

European Commission’s DG-Comp Relies on LexisNexis PatentSight when Evaluating Anti-trust Cases in Mergers

David swallows Goliath – Insights about AMS’ acquisition of OSRAM from a patent perspective

Tesla's shares overtake General Motors' - but how do their technologies compare?

Alphabet’s patent landscape

e-Mobility technology - a final look at the top patent owners

e-Mobility technology - who owns the strongest patent portfolio?

USPTO grants patent for LexisNexis PatentSight

e-Mobility technology - how to predict the portfolio of your competition

Innovation in merger analysis - How the EU Commission evaluated the case of Bayer-Monsanto

China in Rare Earth Elements - top supplier, major patent developer, yet portfolio strength still a concern

e-Mobility - why is knowing the legal status of patents important?

Patent portfolio evolution within the payment card industry - The American Express example

e-Mobility technology - who's making it vs. who's buying it?

10 Charts That Will Change Your Perspective Of Amazon's Patent Growth

e-Mobility - watch out traditional OEM's!

Autonomous Driving: how to judge strategic partnerships?


IP Landscape of Foldable Display Technology: What are the key players focusing on?

LexisNexis PatentSight Wins award for Best Big Data Reporting & Analytics Software

Patent Portfolio Analysis of proposed FCA and Renault merger

Artificial Intelligence: Terminator is far from reality

How to use the Patent Asset Index™ for Patent Portfolio Benchmarking: IBM vs. Qualcomm (Use Case)

A case study of Palantir: Using advanced patent analytics to aid investment decisions

Insights into Medical Technology Field in light of planned GE Healthcare IPO

Israeli Innovation Leader - A patent analysis

Samsung’s runaway lead in foldable displays by Patent Asset Index™

Patent analysis reveals opportunities and concerns around the Bristol-Myers Squibb/Celgene merger

Tesla to buy Maxwell Technologies: an important technological edge in the battery market for electric cars

Application fields and active protection - A closer look at the top 20 Universities and Research centers

The Top 20 Most Innovative Chinese Universities

Roche up, Pfizer out - The Patent Asset Index™ for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patents

PatentSight is now part of LexisNexis® IP

The Transformation into the New Takeda

Becton Dickinson secures itself as a healthcare innovation leader with Bard acquisition

Broadcom may have to pay more for Qualcomm’s superior innovation based on analysis by PatentSight