Broadcom may have to pay more for Qualcomm’s superior innovation based on analysis by PatentSight

Posted by Dan Lonkevich - Guest Blogger on Feb 22, 2018 3:39:33 PM

An analysis of the patent portfolios of Broadcom Ltd. (AVGO), Qualcomm Inc. 
(QCOM) and NXP Semiconductor (NXPI) by PatentSight GmbH, suggests that Qualcomm’s portfolio is rated highest among the three companies based on the Patent Asset Index (PAI)

The PAI is a scientifically developed and industry proven methodology to measure the 
innovative strength of an enterprise or an entire technology field. It is calculated at the level of a patent portfolio as the sum of the competitive impact scores of the individual patent families contained in this portfolio. The competitive impact in turn is calculated based on the technology relevance (citation-based indicator) and market coverage (patent protection around the globe, calculated based on the potential economic value of each country) of a patent family. Depending on the question to be addressed the Patent Asset Index can be calculated for a company as a whole, or just for patents belonging to specific business areas or technology fields: it then shows the strength of the company in those particular domains only.

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Tags: Mergers and Acquisitions, Patent Analysis